
“Their Eyes Were Watching Gatsby” the title of our project stems from the novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston. The appropriation is a bit glib, but so are the characters of Fitzgerald’s novel. Gatsby, both the man and the book at large, are godlike figures, emblematic of a decade and a dream. For our project we chose to examine the manner in which this icon is perceived, and how his existence has changed our own perceptions. Central to this idea are the concepts of viewpoint and sight, which are as omnipresent as Dr. Eckleberg’s looming glasses. Each group member selected a topic through which they discussed their perception of Gatsby and how he has influenced our conception of another issue. Chloe chose a dramatic perspective, examining how Gatsby has impacted the entertainment industry and how our conceptions of the man are reflected in various film adaptations. Miriam chose an environmental perspective, exploring how Gatsby might have been viewed by non-human characters and how the existence of the book and man have changed the way we view nature and the need for conservation. Janka chose a global perspective, considering how various translations of the novel have represented the man and how reviewers from different nations have reacted to the book. Finally, Hanna chose a historical perspective analyzing the way the book has changed her opinions of the 1920’s, how the characters were crafted and how Fitzgerald himself viewed his masterpiece. Each member brought to the book and project their own preconceptions, interests, and viewpoints. Through this compilation we hope to integrate these ideas into a cohesive examination of Gatsby’s pasting influence by considering how he is perceived and how he has changed the perceptions of others.

Miriam, Hanna, Chloe, Janka                                           AP English Gatsby Project